
A Safe Site Solution for any

hazardous workplace

A Safe Site Solution for any hazardous workplace

We leverage workflow digitization for any industry’s health & safety concerns. Our digital labor platform (DLP), paired with our Tipster device, delivers a straightforward graphical dashboard, that delivers real-time data and reporting tools which provide managers a groundbreaking level of visibility and insights into workplace safety, productivity, and hazards.

Problem identified


A problem worth solving:

  • 1) More than 1/5 of all incidents and fatalities occur in the heavy construction industry.
  • 2) Lack of tools for compliance in safety and health.
  • 3) Difficulty controlling worksite hazards.
  • 4) Tight deadlines & budgets can lead to cutting corners on safety.
  • 5) Many construction workers receive limited safety training.

Note: Saving cost from cutting corners does not equate total savings when something goes wrong.



Our risk mitigation solution

Our digital labor platform (Magnus +), paired with our wearable environment monitoring device (Tipster), provides risk mitigation solutions.

What are the benefits and capabilities?

1. Work-Place Health and Safety

a. Environment Risk Assessments

b. Identifies Project Deficiencies

c. Monitors Hazardous Conditions

2. Project Governance

a. ISO 40001

b. OHSA Inspections

c. Risk Mitigation

3. Project Management

a. Stakeholder Groups

b. Work Force Management

c. Project Task Management

Why us?

Why us?

Health & Safety

PHARE Technologies provides a SaaS solution for the heavy construction industry to improve occupational safety, health, and efficiency.

Total Cost of Ownership

a) TCO for IoT infrastructure

b) One-time IoT device registration

c) Monthly connectivity subscription fee

d)One-Time Change Management fee


Our comprehensive approach considers both human and technical factors to enable safer working conditions, streamline processes, mitigates risks, and improve productivity.

Our team

Our team is comprised of experts in occupational health & safety, training, change management, wearable technology. We are assisted by technology collaborators, highly educated and experienced business advisors.


Our partners

Our partners

With Phare Technologies as your partner, you will have access to trained and experience individuals in business to adapted “Best Practice” and technology innovations. This how we can make it easier to implement a new business process with a minimum impact to your current business operations. We have years of field experience in change management which makes it easier to deploy practical, cost-effective solutions, engage your workforce, demonstrate an impact, and achieve sustainable success. Together, we will have the ability to build a health and safety culture and the technological capabilities to support it.